

We are pleased to announce that version 16.15.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.

Project Management

Project List

We improved the Project List experience. We will incorporate this new look and feel in the entire app over time. Here are some of the changes below:

  • We enhanced the breadcrumb bar at the top of the screen.

    • The support button and Processes Widget have been removed from the sidebar and added to the breadcrumb bar.

    • We removed the option to narrow the Search All results by specific resource types since you can find all resources by name or UUID.

  • We re-organized the project list page to provide easier access to main functions and actions.

    • The main actions and configurations are in line with a new header above the project list table.

    • You can view and configure your filters when you click the filter action. We added the project name filter to the standard group of filters.

    • The new Configure button provides a better experience to manage columns and reset column width.

      • Clicking a sortable column header will immediately sort the column instead of opening the configure column drop-down.

      • Drag the edge of a column to the left or right to expand the column width. Click the Configure button to reset column widths individually or all at once.

Document List

  • The document list columns resize as expected.

Task List

  • Selecting starred tasks using the smart selector works as expected.


  • We have added the “upload translation(s) as new document(s)” action to the Translation Completion step to support pivot languages. You can upload completed targets as source documents and translate them into other languages using any workflow you have access to in your community.


Add Glossary Entries

  • You can create new terms by highlighting the source or target text and using the Add Glossary Entry action or hotkey. The Workbench will automatically add the highlighted text to the source or target field the terminology pane.

Quality Management

Quality Reports

  • We improved the quality report’s performance.

  • Edits to quality feedback are displayed as expected in Quality reports.

Quality Feedback in the WB

  • The UI displays feedback with two decimals and doesn’t round to prevent confusion in the rare instance where rounding the quality score would make it appear the target passed, but in reality, it failed (e.g., when the pass/fail threshold is 99% and the quality score was 98.999%).

Vendor Management


  • The linguist report will return phases that you invoiced in final invoice reports, so language service providers can bill clients and pay linguists separately.

  • We have added the Final Invoiced and Invoice Report ID columns to the linguist report, so it is easy to distinguish invoiced phases in the linguist report.


Marketplace Extension

  • We have made improvements to the Canceled status.

    • When you cancel an entire document, the document and targets stay in the cancel status until you reupload the document.

    • You can cancel a document and target in the connector even if they are complete in Lingotek. Please note you cannot cancel complete documents and targets in the TMS.

    • The documents in the connector and TMS will be disassociated from each other, allowing you to reupload if necessary.

  • You cannot select a new translation profile when you re-upload (or PATCH) a source document. It will use whatever profile the original document used.


  • We resolved an issue that prevented content status from updating appropriately after upload.

Public API

  • We have removed the POST /community endpoint.


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