Quality Programs

Quality Programs

Enterprise’s Quality Programs are customized to your personal business needs, making them adaptable for different content and budgets.

Every Quality Program is made up of three customizable sections:

  • Categories – Determining the Categories and Error Types the reviewer checks for within each segment.  

  • Severities – Customizes the severity levels for errors found by reviewers.

  • Scoring –  Defines how errors are scored and manages their impact on a document's overall quality score.

Quality Programs List

Access the Quality Programs List by opening the Quality app from the App Bar. 

The Quality Programs list displays information about created Quality Programs including how they are shared, the most recent edited version, whether or not it was published, and the More icon.

Actions under the More icon menu include:

  • Edit Quality Program – This allows the user to make changes to an existing Quality Program.

  • Publish – Makes the Quality Program available to use in your organization. This action is only displayed if your quality program is unpublished.  

  • Unpublish – Prevents the Quality Program from being used in your organization. This action is only displayed if your quality program is published. 

  • Duplicate – Creates a duplicate of an existing Quality Program allowing the user to avoid starting a new Quality Program from scratch.

  • Delete – This action can only be performed on unpublished Quality Programs and cannot be undone. 

  • View Quality Program – Open a Quality Program in view-only mode. Also, view a Quality Program by clicking the Quality Program's row. 

Creating a New Program 

  1. Open the Quality app from the app bar. 

  2. Select New Program icon and a stepper which will take you through the process of creating a new quality program. 

    Give the new program a name. 

    1. Choose to create a program from scratch or use the template drop-down to base it off a preset industry standard. 

    2. Provide a program description. 

  3. Create Categories and Error Types in step 2.

  4. Define Severity levels for reviewers in step 3.

  5. Configure Score Cards in step 4. 

  6. Save the new Quality Program.

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