Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions


With the Tasks feature, users can perform different actions in bulk. This page shows you how to perform tasks in bulk, check out tasks to other community members, generate reports, and perform other related processes.

Select all tasks

You can select or deselect all tasks at once on the Tasks page. To select or deselect tasks, do any of the following:

  • Select the check box in the left-most column

  • Click the expand symbol beside the check box to access the following options:

    • All. Click All to select all the tasks on a page.

    • None. Click None to cancel the selection of any task on a page.

    • Starred. Click Starred to select only the starred tasks.

    • Unstarred. Click Unstarred to select only the unstarred tasks.

When there’s more than one page of tasks, a message appears that asks users to select all applicable tasks among the filtered results. Click Select all number of tasks in filtered results to select all the tasks.

To cancel the selection of the tasks, click Clear selection.

Perform actions in bulk

Before you can perform bulk actions, you must select the applicable tasks first before you can carry out actions for the selected tasks.

Depending on the user rights provided to users, they can see tasks that are checked out to other members of the community, but they cannot perform any action on those tasks.

Click the Bulk Actions symbol or the hamburger menu in the last column from the right to open the BULK ACTION list. The list shows you the actions you can do in bulk for the selected tasks.

The following table shows you a list of processes or actions you can do in bulk:

Bulk Action



Download Reference Material

Select this option to download all reference materials that are attached to the selected tasks.


Task Leverage Rollup

Select this option to show a rolled-up TM (Translation Machine) leverage for a selected task. The rolled-up leverage is in an excel file.

This report pulls data only from the initial leverage report of the target and not from any manual leverages or analysis reports.

Run Quality Report

Select this option to download a quality report for all the selected tasks in the set time frame.


Generate Time Card Report

Select this option to generate a report that shows all total length of time that was spent on a specific task.

Keep the following details in mind:

  • Tasks are only eligible for this report if they are completed.

  • You can run this report across a selection of tasks. You can also select Generate Time Card Report even if you don’t select a task and then run the report for a specific date range. Tasks that area completed within the set date range are included in the report.

  • You can include completed tasks that do not include its tracked time.

  • You can also choose what columns to include and what order they appear in the report.

To know more about time tracking for tasks in Enterprise, see Tracking Time Spent.

Check Out

Select this option to check out all eligible selected tasks.

Tasks are eligible for check out if:

  • The Allow task Check-out parameter is turned on in your community’s workflow.

  • The tasks are not check out to someone else.

  • The tasks are not marked as complete.

Check Back In

Select this option to check in all selected tasks that are eligible to be checked back in.

Tasks are eligible for check in if:

  • The task is not checked out to someone.

  • The task is not marked as complete.

Check Out to Other

Select this option to check out tasks to another community member.

Already completed tasks can not be checked out to other users.

Re-import tasks

Select this option to upload documents that have been translated offline.

The system automatically maps completed translations to the correct document.

Approve all Segments

Approve all eligible segments in the selected tasks.

The Approve All Segments action is applicable only to tasks with a Review phase. Users have the option to update the translation memory or automatically apply tags for all segments. We don’t recommend both options.

Download Finalized Files

Select this option to download tasks' finalized files.


Add a Star

Select this option to mark multiple tasks as important.


Remove a Star

Select this option to mark the selected tasks as unimportant.


Mark Complete

Select this option to mark the selected tasks as complete.

Tasks can be marked as complete if:

  • The task reached 100% completion rate for the Translate and Review phases.

  • The task is not marked as complete by other users.

Bulk Download Source

Select this option to download the source documents for all selected tasks. 

In the Project settings, the project manager needs to enable the applicable file formats to be available for download.

Bulk Download Target

Select this option to download the target documents for all selected tasks.

In the Project settings, the project manager needs to enable the applicable file formats to be available for upload.

Mark tasks as complete

When users select the Mark Complete option from the BULK ACTIONS list, the Confirm Completion message appears. Click Confirm to confirm the completion of the tasks.

If a task is past its deadline, the system requires users to provide a reason. Select the reason from the list in Confirm Completion, and then click Confirm.

If the task is a part of a custom phase, the system requires users to provide the total number of hours spent to complete the task. Enter the total hours in the Hours Worked box in Confirm Completion, and then click Confirm.

If the task is part of a custom phase and is past its deadline, the system requires users to provide both a reason for late submission and the total number of hours it took to complete the task. In Confirm Completion, select a reason for late submission and then enter the total hours spent on the task in the Hours Worked box.

Notifications will appear if the selected tasks are not eligible for bulk actions. The following are examples of notifications:

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