Xbench Integration
Enterprise is pleased to offer an integration with Xbench, a powerful quality assurance, and terminology tool. You can download the Xbench tool here. See the Xbench documentation to learn how to get the most out of Xbench.
To integrate Xbench to the Enterprise TMS, follow these steps;
Select My Tasks menu from the sidebar.
Select the task(s) you want to review in the Xbench tool.
If you are only downloading one task, select the more icon at the end of the row, otherwise select the bulk action menu on the top right.
Choose to download the target as an Xbench Package.
This will begin a job in the Process Queue. Track the process's progress in the Processes Widget and download the Xbench package straight from the widget when the process completes.
Open the Xbench Package from your Downloads file and then Check Ongoing Translations and run Project and Personal checklists.
Segments that need to be fixed can be edited directly in the Enterprise Workbench.
In Xbench, right-click on the segment that has an issue that needs to be resolved.
Choose the Edit Segment option.
This will open the Workbench in your default Browser. Make any necessary changes and save the segment.