Creating Machine Translation Templates

Creating Machine Translation Templates

Create MT Template

  1. Find MT Templates by selecting the Sidebar > Templates > MT Templates.

  2. Select the "Add" icon next to the MT Engine Template header.

  3. Give the template a name and description for context.

  4. Fill out the default configuration row.

    1. This row will be used whenever the machine translation job is working on a language pair that is not specified on any other configuration row you add.

    2. This is a required field.

  5. Select the "Add" icon in the upper-right-hand corner of the table to create a new row.

    1. Beside each row you create, there will be a "Remove" icon. Click this to remove any unnecessary rows.

    2. You will create a row for each unique set of language pairs.

  6. Within each row:

    1. Select one source locale.

    2. Select as many target locales that should use the same MT credential when paired with the selected source locale.

    3. Choose the MT Credential you want to translate those language pairs.


  1. You must have at least one row to save your MT Template.

  2. You cannot have any row with empty source locale, target locale, or MT credential fields.

  3. Rows cannot have the same language pairs.

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