FAQs - Offline Translation (Linguist)

FAQs - Offline Translation (Linguist)

How does re-importing a file affect formatting?

Formatting Facts

  • Edited Segments
    When an approved segment is edited in Trados Studio and the file is re-imported to the TMS, the modification is now preserved.

  • Locked Segments
    If a leveraged segment is locked in the TMS, that lock is passed to Trados; if a leveraged segment is not locked in the TMS, the lock is not passed to Trados.

  • Mark Imported Documents Complete
    If every segment is completed and saved in an offline CAT tool, when the file is imported into Enterprise TMS the phase now shows as being 100% complete.

  • Segment Notes
    When exporting and re-importing XLIFF files between Enterprise and Trados Studio, segment notes are now retained. This means that notes made in Enterprise are available in Trados Studio, and notes made in Trados Studio are available in Enterprise.

  • Tag Support
    So that tags are handled properly during XLIFF Import/Export, we’ve enhanced a few things behind the scenes.

  • Trados Document Metadata
    In Trados Studio, Enterprise document metadata fields appear as file-level notes (available on the Comments tab).

How does re-importing a file affect document completion?

Reimporting Completed Translations

Tip: Reimporting a completed XLIFF translation has the same effect as completing each segment manually in the workbench.


Reimporting completed translations

  • Inserts translations into the document(s).
  • Saves your translations and adds them to TM.
  • If all segments have a translation, the document is marked as 100% complete.


Note that the XLIFF output from some CAT tools may not properly re-import. Re-imported tasks should be checked and edited for accuracy using the Enterprise Workbench.

Who gets credit for segments translated via document re-import?

Authorship (for saved segments and translation units) will be attritbuted to the user doing the re-import.

How does re-import affect existing translations, blank segments, etc?

  • Existing translations in the TMS will be overwritten by the ones in the imported XLIFF file.
  • If there is not a translation in the XLIFF for a given segment, then the segment will remain untranslated in the TMS.
  • Existing translations in the TMS will not be overwritten if there is not any text for a given segment in the imported XLIFF files.

Can I display TM match percentages in SDL Trados Studio for documents imported from Enterprise?

Yes. For instructions, click here.

Can a user re-import a task that is not assigned to them?

No. A user will not be able to re-import XLIFF for a task that is not assigned to them (i.e. it does not appear in their task list).

Can I export and re-import a task that has been completed?

No. You will only be able to bulk export XLIFF for 'Active' tasks (i.e. tasks that have not been 'marked complete' within Enterprise).

Can I re-segment a document in Trados Studio and then re-import it?

No. If on re-import, one or more segments were merged or split, the re-import will fail.


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