Laura White (Unlicensed)
Owned by Laura White (Unlicensed)
Sept 10, 2015
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New Features
- Terminology display in LingoDex
- Created "Terminology" dictionaries
- On the dictionary page, a dictionary can be marked as a Terminology Dictionary. These dictionaries are displayed on the main tab in LingoDex, and are not editable by translators.
- Created Phase Templates page to manage Phase Templates
- This page can be accessed by Project Managers in the Quick Links menu.
- Added Target PDF download
- When the PM marks "Allow PDF" on the Document Details page, then translators can download a PDF of either the source document, or the target document in its current state.
- Added user-created columns for dictionaries
- Project Managers can now import documents with additional columns. For information about how to do this, see our Import Dictionaries article.
- Paginated Dashboard, TM Vaults, and Projects
- Stopped allowing translators without PM rights to be added as PMs
- Separated Open and Closed Projects
- The sidebar of the projects page now defaults to show only Open projects. Mousing over the text that says "Closed Projects" will display the closed projects.
- Added Beta version of MediaWiki formatting importing and exporting
- Plain text files with MediaWiki formatting can be imported into Lingotek, translated, and exported.
- Added new Google Translate languages
- Added "Go To Top" button in LingoDex
- Segment Chooser Templates can be applied to multiple documents
- Moved to a new leaderboard for community translators
- Documents with non-Western names can now be downloaded.
- Restored target search in LingoDex
- Downloaded documents now have the name given in Lingotek instead of the original name
- Stopped reviewers from being able to get ahead of earlier translators/reviewers
- Prioritized private dictionaries over public dictionaries