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On the dictionary page, a dictionary can be marked as a Terminology Dictionary. These dictionaries are displayed on the main tab in LingoDex, and are not editable by translators.
Created Phase Templates page to manage Phase Templates
This page can be accessed by Project Managers in the Quick Links menu.
Added Target PDF download
When the PM marks "Allow PDF" on the Document Details page, then translators can download a PDF of either the source document, or the target document in its current state.
Added user-created columns for dictionaries
Project Managers can now import documents with additional columns. For information about how to do this, see our Import Dictionaries article.
Paginated Dashboard, TM Vaults, and Projects
Stopped allowing translators without PM rights to be added as PMs
Separated Open and Closed Projects
The sidebar of the projects page now defaults to show only Open projects. Mousing over the text that says "Closed Projects" will display the closed projects.
Added Beta version of MediaWiki formatting importing and exporting
Plain text files with MediaWiki formatting can be imported into Lingotek, translated, and exported.
Added new Google Translate languages
Added "Go To Top" button in LingoDex
Segment Chooser Templates can be applied to multiple documents
Moved to a new leaderboard for community translators
Documents with non-Western names can now be downloaded.
Restored target search in LingoDex
Downloaded documents now have the name given in Lingotek instead of the original name
Stopped reviewers from being able to get ahead of earlier translators/reviewers
Prioritized private dictionaries over public dictionaries