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In the Notes tab of LingoDex, you can now find each of the segments with notes.
Assign Translator to multiple documents
The Projects page now allows you to assign a translator to multiple documents at once.
View XML files as PDF
Upload zipped documents
You can now add zip files to a project, as long as all of the documents are of the same file type.
Added breadcrumbs
Many of the pages on the site can now be navigated with breadcrumbs
Improved community reports
Stemming matches for dictionary searches
LingoDex will now search for the stemmed version of dictionary entries. For example, the term "running" would find the dictionary results "run", "running", and "runner".
Saving preferences
We now save a number of preferences, including the number of documents per page, whether dialogs are expanded, etc.
Download All Targets on document page
Added RTF support to LingoAlign
Improved sentence segmenter
Race condition on document details page fixed
Project Managers now see only documents/projects for the current community
Footnote reference numbers in .doc files are now hidden in LingoDex.
Some elements were draggable that shouldn't have been.