Laura White (Unlicensed)
Owned by Laura White (Unlicensed)
Sept 10, 2015
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New Features
- Dictionary Translation
- From the dictionary page, you can now translate dictionaries into new languages.
- Autopaste terminology
- If one of your source segments is an exact match of one of the entries in a terminology dictionary, then it will be autopasted when you analyze or translate a document.
- Larger source pane in LingoDex
- Terminology can be clicked to be added to translation
- Terminology Management Interface
- TMs that you own can be searched and edited
- Project creation page lets you add all vaults at once.
- Customization options for Community Administrators
- Added support for non-breaking characters
- Improved LingoDex help documentation
- Removed .zip extension from PDF download
- Fixed some 404 pages