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Translators can create and join translation teams.
Vault Sharing
Any of your vaults can be marked as Public vaults, and shared across Lingotek communities.
Community Score
The community leaderboard displays a score which takes into account segments translated, reviewed, voted on, etc.
Project Manager Notifications
Project managers can view a list of documents that are behind schedule, not being worked on, etc. by going to the Alerts in the Quick Links dropdown.
Autopaste Google MT
Project managers can choose to autopaste the Google machine translation into their document for supported language pairs.
The paste from source button was not escaping some HTML characters
Flags on a TM are removed if the translation is edited
Existing users who sign up for a different Lingotek community are now automatically added to that community
Removed support for .docx files
We found some problems with our .docx importer, and we decided to temporarily remove support for this format until we feel comfortable that our importer is working correctly.