Portal Target List

Portal Target List


When you select a document, Portal displays information about its targets on the right side of the page. The target table provides you granular information about the cost, due date, status, and progress of the document’s targets. You can also load document details in this view.

  1. Add Documents – Quickly add documents to the project by selecting the add button.

  2. Document filters – Search by document name, UUID, and who created the document.

  3. Refresh – Refresh the data in the document list.

  4. Document details – Clicking this action gives you detailed information about the selected document.

  5. Document actions – Take action on the selected document, as well as bulk actions on its targets.

  6. Collapsed document list – Use the collapsed document list to view other documents’ target information.

Target Table

  1. Language – The language and locale your linguists are translating from the source document.

  2. Cost – The total cost for that target. Targets that include hourly work will not reflect the total cost until that work is complete.

  3. WWC – The weighted word count for that target. Weighted words reflect the ‘actual’ work for that target after the system leveraged translation memory.

  4. Start Date – The date that work began for that target.

  5. Due Date – The date linguists should finish translating the target.

  6. Completed Date – The date the final phase in the target’s workflow was marked complete.

  7. Progress – The progress percentage of the target. The progress bar’s color also reflects the target’s status. Hover over the progress bar to read the status.

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