View Menu

View Menu

From the View sub-menu, you can choose a few more options when working within Enterprise’s Workbench. 

  1. Hide/show the sidebar

    1. Right of the translation grid

    2. Left of the translation grid

    3. Hidden

  2. Hide/show the info bar – simply uncheck the Infobar and you will no longer see the bar that runs across the bottom of your screen. The info bar includes information like the Viewing TM Statistics, Document Name, File Type, Word Count, etc.

  3. Context Viewer position

    1. Above the translation grid

    2. Below the translation grid

  4. Segment Layout

    1. Horizontal – The source and target segments are next to each other.

    2. Vertical – The source segment is stacked on top of the target segment.

  5. Change the Status Column Location

    1. Left

    2. Center – this is not available when you are using the vertical segment layout.

    3. Right

  6. Segment Toolbar Location – This contains actions like copy, split/merge, undo, etc. as well as character counts. Regardless of your settings, it only relates to the active segment.

    1. Top – Fixed at the top of the translation grid.

    2. Per Segment – Attached to whatever segment is currently active.

    3. Bottom – Fixed at the bottom of the translation grid.

  7. Decide how you view format tags. The options are:

    1. Hide inline tags

    2. Show collapsed inline tags

    3. Show inline tags

    4. Show inline tags and attributes

  8. Reset font sizes – Use this if you have adjusted your font sizes and you want to return to our default font size.

  9. Show whitespace characters. 

  10. Open the Context Viewer

  11. Open the Document Viewer.

  12. Dark Theme

  13. Choose to work inside our Legacy Workbench


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