Laura White (Unlicensed)
Owned by Laura White (Unlicensed)
Sept 10, 2015
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New Features
- Project Status Report
- Managing translation projects just got easier with the new Project Status report
- Project managers can now track the progress of every task, of every document, of every project all on a single page
- Quickly view which tasks are: already completed (and when), waiting on another task to complete, ready to be worked on (but not yet started), in progress (and how far along), or paused
- A variety a filter and sorting options allow project managers to drill down on the information that is most important and quickly identify bottlenecks in a project's progress
- The report results provide direct links to the projects and documents in question, for taking quick action when needed
- Results can be exported for the current page or for all pages
- Workflow Improvements
- Workflow phases can now be pre-assigned to one or more community members or teams, making project creation and setup faster than ever by completely automating task assignments
- Added a phase rule condition for when a machine translation process completes
- Added a phase rule condition for when a pre-fill translation memories process completes
- Option to ignore untranslated segments within the translation phase
- Dashboard Improvements
- When running a TM analysis, project managers can now opt to group the results by assignee, making it completely effortless to determine the total project word counts for each assigned translator and reviewer
- Adding new documents and/or targets to a project with a workflow that starts with a Machine Translate or Pre-fill TM phase now immediately starts the workflow for the added document / targets
- Results from Machine Translate and Pre-fill TM phases now display immediately upon completion
- Pre-fill TM phases now display the percentage of words pre-filled, with a link to the Pre-fill Results report
- The "select all" checkbox on the Project Details page now provides the option of selecting all documents across all pages
- TM vaults can now be downloaded for all target languages at once
- URLs entered into document notes now display as active links on the document's Settings tab
- A new Clients page has been added for managing and sharing client records among project managers
- The Clients page also provides the ability to view and link to projects (active, completed, or all) for each client
- Additional filter added to the Tasks list for filtering by project
- Notes can now be added to a project
- Analyze reports under the TM Statistics tab can now be renamed and deleted at the project level
- Link to the project-wide Find & Replace page now appears in the same place for both PMs and translators (i.e. just below the Task list on the home page)
- Usability and UI improvements to the project-wide Find & Replace page
- Support for importing / exporting Freemarker XML files has been added
- Support for Okapi filter parameters (.fprm) has been added for both the XML and Java properties file types
- Workbench Improvements
- The workbenches now indicate to translators and reviewers segments which were pre-filled with machine translation that has not yet been post-edited
- URLs entered into document notes now display as active links in the workbenches, allowing translators and reviewers quick access to external resources and reference materials that can provide assistance during translation and in-context reviews
- If enabled in workflow, untranslated segments can be ignored via the "Ignore Untranslated Segments" button, causing the Translate phase to reach 100%, and removing those segments from subsequent phases
- A "Last Saved" timestamp now appears on both workbenches any time that work is saved; the timestamp periodically updates to inform users have how much time has elapsed since work was last saved
- New icons added to differentiate between TM hits from public vaults vs. TM hits from private vaults
- Community Administration Improvements
- The new Current Sessions report enables community admins to view and manage users that are logged into the community; and to see how long they've been logged in and what they're working on
- Current Sessions report also allows the community admin to force-log-off a user
- Reduced session timeouts to two hours
- New community setting allows for optionally hiding the Leaderboard and user statistics on the home page
New APIs
- listLabels - list the categories in your community
- listWorkflows - list the workflows available to the user for applying to a project or target (v3 and v4)
- markPhaseComplete - sets the isMarkedComplete flag for a task
Modified APIs
- addProject - added support for applying workflows (v3 and v4)
- addTranslationTarget - added support for applying workflows (v3 and v4)
- addDocumentWithTargets - added support for applying workflows (v3 and v4)
- listTranslationTargets - added full descriptions for each locale; and sorted by locale in the returned results
Bug Fixes
- General performance improvements
- Pre-fill TM no longer overwrites translations from previous phases, unless explicitly requested to do so
- Project-wide Find & Replace correctly limits matches in translations to each user's task assignments
- Pre-filled matches are properly labeled in the New Workbench
- Routine update of document progress preserves completion status of phases
- Last saved timestamp is updated when configuring a workflow template
- Phases that do not contribute to the progress of the document also do not affect the targets
- Public TM hits now appear independent of the "Search my personal TM vaults" setting
- Improvements to running machine translation on large segments
- Editing a workflow template properly validates the phase order when clicking the Save button
- Increased error handling when running Pre-fill TM phases
- Notification emails display the correct file name
- Navigating to the next most important segment in the workbenches takes into account ignored segments
- The "Mark phase complete" button can be used by shared project managers
- Performance improvements when navigating between segments in the workbenches
- Translated IDML files can be downloaded
- Arabic (Standard) is now fully supported on the Task list
- Clarified helper text for working with public vaults and with the required terminology setting on glossaries
- Duplicate edit boxes no longer intermittently appear in the New Workbench
- Exact match locks can now be propagated to a community review phase
- Analyze results no longer appear on the TM Statistics tab prior to the analysis process being completed
- Document progress now takes into account ignored repetitions
- Community-wide sharing of workflow templates now works properly
- Layout fixes for displaying the loading mask throughout the entire UI
- Teams can now be deleted by the project manager who created them
- Task filters are now properly reset by clicking the “None” link
- Completed projects list correctly shows projects that do not have a client
- Various improvements to applying formatting tags in the workbenches
- Glossary hits are properly shown when the match is at the end of a segment
- Layout fixes for “Pre-fill TM” phases on the Task list and the Downloads & Processes page
- The “Browse Segments by Exact Match” features in the Classic Workbench now works properly in cases where there was Machine Translate phase in the workflow