(Optional) Setup Python on Windows 8+

(Optional) Setup Python on Windows 8+

If you need to setup Python on Windows 8+,
follow the instructions below.

Before installing the connector,

  • Disable firewalls and antivirus software.
  • Ensure you have administrative rights on the drive.
  • Install to the C: drive directly.

Note: These instructions are for Windows Powershell, which should be included in Windows 8+. If using older versions of Windows, it can be installed here.

Install on Windows manually

  1. Install Python. The Enterprise Translation Utility is written for Python 3.4.3 or newer.
    • Download the MSI Installer for easy installation.
    • Run the installer

      Optional: Add Python to your PATH variable so python.exe can be executed easily in the future
      • Find where your python executable is. (Hint: Could be in \AppData\Local\Programs\Python/Python[VERSION]\)
      • Add that path to your environment variables: 
        • Windows 10 and Windows 8
          • In Search, search for and then select: Advanced system settings
          • Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
          • In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATHenvironment variable. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
          • Reopen Command prompt window, and run python -V to verify.

  2. Check to see if it is installed and path is working by running: python -V.  You will also need pip, which should have installed with python.  Check to see if it is installed and the path is working by running: pip -V.  You may need to restart your shell.
  3. Install the Enterprise Software Localization Tool: Install the Enterprise Software Localization Tool (Filesystem Connector)


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