Adding Users to TMS
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  • Adding Users to TMS


    If you’re a project manager or community administrator, adding users to a community in TMS is an easy process with a lot of options for customization.

    To start adding users, click PROJECT from the main toolbar, and then click Community from the sidebar. On the Community Member page, click the plus symbol to open the New Community Member window.

    Project Manager

    Project managers in TMS have complete access to the Community feature and its subfeatures and functionalities. They can also add users who they can register as project managers, community administrators, or linguists in TMS.

    There are three ways to add a user to TMS:

    • New User

    • Existing User

    • Bulk Import

    New User  

    To add a new user to TMS, follow these steps:

    1. Click the NEW USER tab.

    2. Enter the following information:

      • Send Invite - Select this check box to send an email invite to the user’s email address.

      • Login ID - Enter the user’s login ID credential.

      • Email - Enter the user’s email address for TMS.

      • Name - Enter the user’s display name.

    3. In the Assign Role section, select which roles you want to assign to the user:

      • Project Manager

      • Community Admin

      • If boxes are left blank, the user will have a linguist role.

    4. In the New member’s password section, enter the following:

      • New Password - Enter the user’s password.

      • Confirm Password - Type the user’s password again.

    5. Review the information you entered in the previous boxes and then click CREATE USER to finalize the process.

    The user will be sent an email with their username and password. They will also be prompted to change their password the first time they login.

    Existing User  

    Existing users are accounts that belong to the PM’s organization but do not belong to the community they are inviting them to. 

    To add an existing user to your community, follow these steps:

    1. Select the EXISTING USER tab. 

    2. From the Select existing user list, search for and select the applicable user who you want to add to the community.

    3. In the Assign Role section, select which roles you want to assign to the user:

      • Project Manager

      • Community Admin

      • If boxes are left blank, the user will have a linguist role.

    4. Review the information you entered in the boxes, and then, click CREATE USER.

    Bulk Import

    PMs can use the Bulk Import feature to add multiple users at once to a community. See the Bulk Import section of this page to know more about Bulk Import.

    Vendor Project Managers

    Just like full Project Managers, Vendor Project Managers can also add users to TMS. However, they have certain limitations:

    • They can add users, but not invite, individually or in bulk who are from their organization. As such, a vendor PM can only add users who are members of their default organization. 

    • They can only grant users the Vendor Project Manager role or Linguist role.

    Bulk Import

    This section provides detailed instructions on how to add users to TMS at once using the Bulk Import feature. Note that the Bulk Import functionality is available only to project managers and community administrators.

    Creating a spreadsheet

    To start the bulk import process, you must first create a spreadsheet that contains important details about the community members that you wish to add.

    The spreadsheet contains the following column names:

    • Name - The user’s display name.

    • Email - The user’s email address. Notifications will be sent to this address.

    • Username - The user’s login credential. If left blank, the email is automatically used as the username.

    • Role - Either enter PM or Admin in this column. If left blank, the user is automatically registered as a Linguist.


    • When saving, be sure to save the spreadsheet as a .csv file.

    • Information under the Username and Role columns are optional, but filling them up is preferred.

    Here’s an example of the possible contents of the spreadsheet:





    Katie Miskin




    David Torres




    Sabrina Liu




    Andre Palakiko




    In this case, Andre Palakiko is a Linguist since his Role was left blank.

    Importing the spreadsheet

    Once the spreadsheet is created, you can now import the data into TMS and create the new users.

    To import the spreadsheet, follow these steps:

    1. Log into Enterprise as a project manager or community administrator.

    2. Open the Community Members page.  

    3. Click the plus symbol to open the New Community Member window.

    4. In New Community Member, click the BULK IMPORT option.

    5. Click the Choose .csv file box to open your internal folder, and then select the applicable file.

    6. In the Password for imported users section, enter the password in the New Password box, and then type the same password in the Confirm Password box.

    7. Review the details that you entered in the boxes, and then click CREATE USERS in the lower box to import the user details to TMS and create their accounts.

    The Bulk Import option does two things:

    • It first looks at the Username listed in the Username column and checks if that Login ID can be associated with an existing user of the default community of the user who ran the bulk user import. If that user does exist, then that user is invited into the client's community instead of creating a new user.

    • If there isn't a user associated with that Username, then a new user is created and they are either sent an invitation or given the password you set.

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