Projects are more than a way to organize and group content. They include complex settings that control how content interacts with the system and how users interact with content. We created Project Templates to make it easy to create perfectly configured projects with a click of a button. Your project managers or community admins can create a project template with settings configured to meet your organization's specific needs. Then, project managers can use those templates to create a new project without giving it a second thought.
You can find Project Templates under the Template menu in the sidebar. Here you will create and manage your community’s project templates.
The interface for creating projects has changed. Instead of creating a project with a workflow template, you will use a project template. Or you can manually create a new project and configure your project settings before you actually create the project.
Resolved Issues
Display issues with dates on the Targets page have been resolved.
The user’s timezone preferences are now respected on the Targets page and when setting due dates in bulk.
Downloaded Xbench packages can now be loaded into Xbench without any problems.
In-Context Translation
Users can interact with buttons and animations on the webpage inside the Context Viewer. Users can also click on links using ctrl + click.
We have added the community_id parameter to the GET /document call. If you make the GET /document call without specifying the project_id parameter, the community_id parameter is required.