Reports (Client)

Reports (Client)


On the Reports tab, clients, have access to Cost Details and Invoices. These reports, which you can export as .csv files, show costs and charges for each step of the translation workflow. The invoice also includes a summarized PDF version of the CSV file.

Cost Details Report

  • The purpose of the Cost Details report is to give both the translation buyer and the Language Service Provider (LSP) an estimate of costs for a project within a specific time period.

  • Cost Details show costs for phases that are billed on word count and hours spent.

  • This report can return phases that are completed or in progress in the TMS.

  • Any phase that generates cost can be included in this report.

  • This report can limit cost information to the work done by the vendor who is generating the report. 


  • Invoice reports are meant to give clients and vendors precise cost information on invoiceable work so the LSP can invoice the client.

  • Phases must be invoiceable to be included in the Invoice report. That is; the phase must be completed, billable, and marked for inclusion in the Invoice report.

Generate Reports

To generate a report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Vendor application.

  2. In the sidebar, click Reports

  3. When the Reports page opens, click either the COST DETAILS or the INVOICES tab.