Vendors Tab
On the Vendors tab, companies and organizations can search for their vendors, view or edit vendor profiles, and access related information.
Once a vendor is connected to an organization’s account, it will automatically appear in the Vendor list.
Want to add more vendors? Contact our Support Team.
Search for a vendor
To search for a vendor, do either of the following:
Enter a keyword, which could be a name or primary contact information, in the Seach box in the Contacts pane.
Click the column headings to sort their contents.
Manage vendor information
After you find the applicable vendor, you can now view their details or revise them. Go to the Vendor list and then select a profile.
Edit the following categories in the open vendor profile:
Contact Information. Click the pencil icon to edit vendor contact information.
Add More Contacts. Click the plus sign to create additional user profiles.
Search. Using the search box, find contacts by name, email, or work phone.
Rate Charts. Click to view the vendor’s rate charts.