Laura White (Unlicensed)
Owned by Laura White (Unlicensed)
Sept 10, 2015
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New Features
- Workbench Redesign: improved interface for the former LingoDex
- Continued Dashboard Improvements
- Collapse/Expand of Navigation Menu; Remember State
- Checkboxes for Select All | None
- Highlighting of Project and Job Rows on the Home Page
- Search/Filter Contacts
- Revamped Document Targets
- Assign Translators as part of create New Project
- Additional Table Sorting and Paging
- Dictionary Metadata Management
- Signup / Add Contact Improvements
- API v 3.0
- Drupal Improvements
- Security Improvements
- Better auto apply of format tags
- Contact list now sorted when making assignments
- Fixed usability issues with several popups
- Resolved several Server Errors (adding a phase, adding a target to a new project)
- Resolved numerous Javascript Errors