Callback Authentication

Callback Authentication


With the Callback Authentication feature, using Lingotek's TMS in your own server or environment is now more secure. The added layer of security to Lingotek’s authentication process is applicable to common content management systems (CMS), such as Drupal, WordPress, Magento, and more.

To access the Callback Authentication tab, click Community > Customization > Callback Authentication.

Setting up the callback authentication

Before you set up TMS, it is important to finish the setup with your own CMS environment or server first. The server should be able to accept request headers from the TMS and is capable of processing either post or get requests.

To set up the authentication on the Callback Authentication Options page, follow these steps:

  1. In the Authentication Server Settings section, enter the following:

  • Authentication URL - Enter the URL of the authentication server. This is the same server that the TMS communicates with to receive the encrypted token.

  • Headers to send to the Authentication URL - In this section, enter the applicable values of the following headers:

    • Key - Enter the header key to send to the authentical server. Keys can be metadata types such as password or content-type.

    • Value - Enter the corresponding value of the key.
      Select the Mark as sensitive checkbox to enter and view the information during input and then hide the value as asterisks when the page is visited in the future.

  • Authentication URL Request Method - From the Method list, select either POST or GET, depending on the requirement of the authentication server.

  • Request Body to send to the Authentication URL - In this section, enter the values related to the request body:

    • Key - Ener the request body key. Keys can be metadata types such as password or document-UUID.

    • Value - Enter the corresponding value of the key.

  • Server Response Handling - In this section, select either of the following:

    • Treat server response as a token - Select this option to automatically save the entire response as the token that will be sent along with callbacks.

    • Get token using JSON attribute - Select this option to allow users to define which JSON attribute the token will contain.

2. Click the plus symbol to add a new row, if necessary,

3. Proceed to the next section.

Callback URL settings

Setting up the Callback URL Settings section tells the system which specific callback the encrypted token is added to.

Read Customize your community to know more about project callback URLs.

To set up this section, follow these steps:

  1. In the Callback URL box, enter the callback URL that should reach out to your authentication server.

  2. In Headers to send to the Callback URL section, enter the following information:

    • Key - Enter the key that the callback URL server expects to receive.

    • Value - Enter the corresponding value of the key and be sure to follow the correct capitalization, as this information is case-sensitive. Also, include {token} to gather the encrypted token from the authentication server.
      Select the Mark as sensitive checkbox to enter and view the information during input and then hide the value as asterisks when the page is visited in the future.

  3. Click the plus symbol to add a new row, if necessary,

  4. To complete the configuration process, click SAVE.

Select either of the following to prevent the system from saving your configurations:

  • Click CANCEL to cancel the configuration.

  • Click REMOVE CONFIGURATION to completely remove all the data related to this specific callback.

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