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Although all translation resources - projectstranslation memory vaultsglossaries, and workflows - are private by default, you can share them with any outside project manager or team needing access.

Note that most resources offer three levels of sharing:

  • PM Shared Owner: Full access; privileges are equal to the creator of the resource.

  • PM Shared User: Less access; privileges vary, depending on the resource.

  • [No Sharing]: A linguist has reference-only access to relevant TM hits and glossary entries in the Workbench.

Any resource in this list can be shared with other project managers.Image Removed

  • Projects

  • Projects, Workflows

  • Project Status Report

  • TM Vaults

  • Glossaries

Sharing Project Resources

To share an item with another project manager,

  1. Go to the Projects menu and open the resource (e.g. a Project, TM Vault, Glossary, Workflow, etc.).

  2. Switch to its Settings tab.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Under Shared Under Owners (or Shared Users - depending on the level of permission you wish to grant), type the username(s) for the project manager(s) search for project managers or teams that should have access to the resource.

  5. Click off of the tab. Your changes will be saved, and the current resource will be shared with all newly added users and groups.

  • Some items offer slightly different sharing options. More information on sharing is listed below.
  • To share the resource with all PMs in your community, go to Shared Users and type My Community.

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