We are pleased to announce that version 14.11.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.
Project Management
Project Settings
We have added another Project Setting under Linguist Options that will prevent linguists from seeing MT results. This is for users who would like to quickly populate their website with MT and then at some point replace the MT with human translations without letting their human translators be influenced by the MT results.
The Document download options were moved to the Linguist Options section.
Task List
We added user awareness to the Quality Report downloaded from the task list. Feedback will only be shown in the report that is relevant to the user requesting the report. Relevant feedback means:
The user who received feedback on the original translation.
The user who created the feedback on the translation.
The user who corrects the original translation after the feedback was given.
XLIFF downloads
Segments that are populated with unlocked 100% Exact matches are assigned the "Translated" state.
Translation Memory
When moving TM, a message appears that provides a link to the process queue where you can view the progress of the job.
We have removed the text file that provides a list of repetitions after an analysis is run.
An issue that occasionally prevented the user from being able to see the "Translated" row on leverage reports has been resolved.
Vendor Management
Vendor UI
A bug created by a Chrome Update was not allowing users to scroll throughout the Vendor app has been resolved.
Rate Charts
The Translation Rates step (where vendors fill out rates for translation and review phases) is no longer mandatory to fill out since some vendors are only responsible for hourly rates.
We have split the Optional Info step into two parts, Hourly Rates (which used to be called Other Rates) and Fees.
Under the new Hourly Rates step, users create Hourly Rates for billable custom phases in the Project app workflow (DTP, Pre and Post Engineering, etc.). We have given users the ability to create different hourly rates for per language pair for the same hourly rate.
If you would still like to have only one hourly rate for all custom phases regardless of language pair, then you can use the Any Language, Any Locale option for both the source and target.
The functionality for the new Fees step has not changed.
Other small UI changes have been made throughout the Rate Chart to enhance the user experience.
Cost and Invoice reports
The cost columns of the exported reports now display costs to the fourth decimal place to increase accuracy. This was necessary since users can provide rates up to the 4th decimal place.
Deleting quality feedback works as expected.
An error preventing users from viewing and creating Language Sets and Translation Profiles has been resolved.
The error uploading documents as jobs or reference materials of a certain size has been resolved.