We are pleased to announce that version 15.21.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.
Project Management
Workflow - Ownership
All existing workflows and future workflows belong to the community they were created in, rather than the user who created them. This means:
Community Admins are owners of all workflow templates in their community, giving them the right to view, edit, share, use, and delete all workflow templates in the community.
Users who belong to multiple communities will not see the templates they created in all the communities they visit. They will only see workflows they have access to in the community they are currently in.
Workflows can no longer be shared across communities.
The "My Community" column, "All Communities" column and the "Include workflows shared with All Communities" filter have been removed from the Workflow Template page.
Workflow – Workflow Template Page
We have added a Created, Modified By, and Last Modified columns to the Workflow page.
Workflow – Project Workflows
If you change the project workflow, the replaced workflow will be deleted from the Project application.
Project workflows are tied to the workflow template that they were created from. This allows the user to replace all project workflows created from a workflow template with the workflow template's current state.
Workflow – Automated Assignments
Project managers can specify multiple source locales on the Setup phase of the workflow which allows users to automate assignments for all possible language combinations in a single workflow, rather than needing to create a new workflow for each source locale.
A new Source column has been added to the Assignments table where the project manager can select a source from the list of source languages they specified in the Documents tab of the Setup phase.
The Target column has been changed to a drop-down so you can select a target for each row.
Since it is not likely that users will need assignments for every possible source-target locale combination, users can add and remove rows to make assignments for the language pairs they need.
Workflow – Resolved Issues
Fast-tracked phases no longer save multiple translations into the revision history.
Specifying a callback on a workflow action works as expected.
Editing workflow actions works as expected.
Project Resources configured in the Setup phase of the workflow are applied as expected when a workflow template is used to create a project.
The following email aliases have been removed from Project Completion workflow step:
"all assigned translators"
"all assigned reviewers"
"previous phase's assignee"
"current phase's assignee"
"next phase's assignee
"all phase assignees on the target"
"author email"
"contact email"
The following email aliases have been removed from the Translation Completion workflow step:
"current phase's assignee"
"next phase's assignee
The following email aliases now work as expected on the Project Completion and Translation Completion steps:
"all project owners on the project"
"all shared users on the project"
"a team"
Resolved Issues
Double-clicking to apply a tag added a '.' character.
Issues with cursor placement have been resolved.
Unapplied Format Tags
Linguists will be notified if there are any unapplied format tags when they try to mark a task complete so they can quickly return to the task and apply the missing tags before marking the task complete.
Vendor Management
Clients organizations can choose which currency they use when managing finances.
Intelligence Dashboard
The Intelligence Application is now available to our paid customers. All data from 2016 to the current date can be viewed in the newly released charts.
Documents Completed – view the total number of documents that have been completed as well as if they were completed on-time, or late, cancelled, etc.
Track the percentage of documents that were completed on-time over time.
Get the average turnaround time of documents.
Translation Memory
Calling the PATCH /document endpoint without content to update the document's metadata and other fields works as expected. A job will only be started in the TMS if the user is creating a new version of the document.
We have added the actual_time_spent field to the GET /document/{id}/translation and GET /document/{id}/translation/{locale} responses.
Project workflows are deleted from the TMS when the workflow is changed on a project. It is not recommended that you reference a project workflow's UUID when you POST a document to the TMS. If you want to upload content using the current project workflow, simply leave the translation_workflow_id parameter blank.