Prepare Site for Translation (AEM 6.1)

Prepare Site for Translation (AEM 6.1)

Take a moment to prepare the AEM site for translation. 

To translate the site, you'll need to create a translatable copy of its contents, and each copy will reside under a language branch of the site called a language root.

Create one language root for each target language.

Language Root

A Language Root is a branch of the original site. Create one Language Root for each of the site's target languages.

Create a Language Root

First, go into the site and create what is called a Language RootClick here for instructions.

Create Translation Settings

Next, go into AEM and configure your default translation settings. After creating these default settings, they can be applied to any AEM site.


Different sites may have different needs. Create a translation configuration for each set of needs and then apply them to the sites of your choice.

These settings are called a Translation Integration Framework and a Translation Cloud Configuration.

Next: Create a Translation Integration Framework


Next: Create a Translation Integration Framework

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