Displaying Translations (Lithium)

Displaying Translations (Lithium)

Customer Access to Translations

Once translations are complete, users can display the content they need with the language switcher at the top of the page.


Administrator Access to Translations

Administrators can also change their default language display. To display Lithium content in a different language,

  1. Log into Lithium as an administrator
  2. At the top of the page, select My Settings.
  3. Switch to the Preferences tab.
  4. Under Language, scroll to select the new language.
  5. When you are ready, click Save.

Contact Us

It’s as simple as that. Once you’ve enabled translations and selected your content, Enterprise's TMS can help you manage your translations in a few simple steps.

For more help with setting up your Enterprise resources, configuring your Lithium translation preferences, or for help displaying your content, please contact Enterprise support at support@lingotek.com


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