Analyze a Project

Analyze a Project

To analyze a project, follow these steps:

  1. Select Projects from the sidebar and click a project to open it.

  2. Click to select the TM Statistics tab (above the Documents list).

  3. Select Analyze Project.

  4. Name the Report and check to select Search TM Vaults

  5. You will be able to choose to search TM Vaults as specified in the Project resources or manually select which TM vaults should be analyzed for leverage. Drag any TM vault(s) to include in your analysis to the right.

  6. Click Analyze to run the report.
    The completed report will display on the TM Statistics tab. 

Viewing Reports

Use the drop-down menus to view past analyses or analyses for specific documents or target languages.

Weighted Word Counts (WWC) are calculated using the community settings the Community Admin configured. They give a more accurate depiction of the amount of work in a document based on the TM Matches in the document. 

  • Report menu - View past versions of a TM analysis. 

  • Document menu - View analysis for an individual document (within the selected TM analysis).

  • Target Locale menu - View analysis for an individual target within the selected document.

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