Find Tasks

Find Tasks

When you need to find a task quickly, use the options at the top of the task list.

  1. Filter. Scroll or type to set a filter.

  2. Sort. Click a column heading to sort its contents.

    1. Search. Use the Document search box to find a task by its title.

  3. Open. To open a document, click its title.

  4. More Options. Click the More icon to access other options.

    1. Launch the workbench

    2. Download the source/target document 

    3. Check the task in/out.

Sort Documents by



Project managers can create categories to help organize work. Sort tasks by PM categories (e.g. Documentation, Web Copy, Marketing Copy).

Due Date

Due date for current phase.

Document Name and ID

Search for documents by Name, ID, and UUID. To search by ID and UUID you must enter exact matches of IDs and UUIDs. 


High, Medium, or Low

Progress (Percent Completion)

0-100% completion


  • All Active - includes Ready, In Progress, At Risk, Past Due

    • Ready - task has not been started.

    • In Progress - task has been started.

    • At Risk - the due date is approaching.

    • Past Due - the due date has passed.

  • All Inactive - includes Waiting, Skipped, Cancelled, Completed and Late

    • Waiting - Phases that have incomplete phases prior to them. They cannot be worked on.

    • Waiting (At Risk) - Phases that are approaching their due date but are still not available to begin work. 

    • Waiting (Past Due) - Phases that have passed their due date but is still not available to begin work.  

    • Skipped - Phases which have not started that belong to targets that were cancelled .

    • Cancelled - Phases which have had progress that belong to targets that were cancelled.

    • Completed - task completed by the due date.

    • Late - task completed after the due date.

Tag Count

Number of format tags to be applied

Task Type

Translate, Review, Post-Edit, DTP, etc.

Word Count

The number of words in a task

Weighted Word Count

The number of weighted words in a task (calculated with the TM analysis)

Starred Tasks

Tasks that have been flagged with a star

Checkout Status

The checkout status of a task

  • Checked Out

  • Checked Out to Myself

  • Checked out to Other

  • Not Checked Out

  • Ineligible for Check Out


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