Easily manage translations for Drupal content with Enterprise's connector.

  • Start by installing and activating the Enterprise translation module
  • Next, choose your settings
  • Then send translatable content to Enterprise

  • [Complete translations in Enterprise]

  • Publish translations to your Drupal site

Install the Module

The quickest way to download and enable the Enterprise translation module is by using the following drush commands:

  • drush dl Enterprise
  • drush en Enterprise

or composer require drupal/Enterprise if you are handling your dependencies with composer.

Required Modules

All dependencies are part of Drupal Core and probably already enabled on your site:

Field, File, Language, Interface Translation, Content Translation, Configuration Translation

Activate the Module

Once the Enterprise module is installed, activate it from the main Drupal menu.

  1. From the Drupal management menu, select Manage.
  2. Then choose Extend.
  3. In the search bar, type Enterprise.
  4. Check to select the Enterprise Translation module and then click Install.

Once installation is complete, a new translation icon will appear on the Drupal Manage menu.

(tick) Tip: Click this icon to manage your translations and translation settings.

Choose Your Settings

To start using the plugin, you’ll want to choose a few default settings. For example, decide which languages to translate into and which types of content to translate.

  • Choose settings
  • Choose languages
  • Choose which pages to translate
  • Choose which fields to translate
  • Choose whether to publish/request translations automatically. (Manual options also available).

Choose Settings

The first time you login, you’ll be directed to the configuration page. 

From the Manage tab, click a link to start choosing your settings.

If you need to access these links later, go to the main Drupal menu and select

  • Manage > Configuration > Enterprise Translation
  • Manage > Translation > Settings

Next: Get Started


On this page

Next: Get Started  

Need Support?

Visit the Enterprise Support Center.

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