Sidebar Menu Permissions

The Lingotek Translation Management System organizes permissions based on three main roles. The role you have determines what menu items you have access to in the sidebar. The hierarchy of roles (from lowest to highest) is:

  • Linguist
  • Vendor Project Manager (Vendor PM)
  • Project Manager (Full PM)
  • Community Administrators (Community Admins)

Any menu that a role lower in the hierarchy has access to, the role above it also has access to.

  • Ex: Full PMs can also access Projects, Project Resources, and the Leaderboard (see the table below). 

There are more permissions in the TMS that govern access to features within a Project and access a user has to Project Resources. These permissions are exclusive to Vendor PMs and PMs since Linguists cannot access that menu and Community Admins have access to all Project Resources in their community. 

RoleMenu AccessAliases
LinguistsMy Tasks, Tools, LeaderboardSees the alias of other linguists, but the real name of Vendor PMs, Full PMs, and Community Admins.
Vendor PMProjects, Project ResourcesSees the alias of linguists who share their default organization.
Full PMProject ExceptionsSees the alias of linguists who share their default organization.
Community AdminsCommunitySees the alias of linguists who share their default organization.

If a Community Admin allows project managers to manage community members in the Advanced tab in the Customization section of the Community menu, Vendor PMs and Project Managers will be able to see the Community Members section of the Community menu. 


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